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Wednesday 30 May 2007

To hell with graduation!

Tickets? £17 a pop. Robes? £40 a pop. Having to pay for said products online? Stressful. Why does noone accept debit cards? Amazon do. And Amazon are worth $Billions (or at the very least $Millions). When will people learn that I want to give them money, and that all they have to do to get it is to let me.
And why do you need to know my head circumference? Is this so you can guillotine me afterwards? Just make the sodding hats with pull string so you can resize them on the day.

I don't even want to go, but my parents essentially blackmailed me into it. They didn't even offer to pay for it. It's not like this is a one-off either. Two years time I'll be graduating from my LPC. Four years time I'll be graduating from my Training Contract, at which point I actually become a real solicitor. That one's in London, so that's a way bigger party than this one. Am I expected to pay for all these?

I don't mind paying for the last two, since I'll have moved out and be my own man by then, but I'm still living at home atm. Shouldn't they pay for it as some sort of "Congratulations James! You're a Lawyer!"?

If anyone knows the etiquette for this scenario please let me know. And also let me know if you have a tape measure, cos I need to know the size of my head.

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