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Wednesday 13 June 2007

Mario Strikers: First Thoughts

I am getting seriously pissed off at these games that make you wave your arm around like lunatic in order to use vital functions. I don't mind it in tennis, where the movements are like real tennis but in football you don't wave your arm to tackle, so why should I have to in the game?
Nintendo should have made a decent pad with buttons on it. That way they wouldn't have to compromise the gameplay with shoddy control systems.
Zelda makes you waggle your arm to swing the sword, which was bad enough, but at least using a sword in real life does involve moving your arms. But tackling? If your using your arms to tackle you'll be getting booked. Which brings me onto another point: Where's the referee? Why is the AI allowed to blatantly foul? I'm not talking about the Power Shots, (though these are annoying enough as it is) I mean actually shoulder charging me off the ball, leaving my guy unconscious for about 30 seconds.
There's a good game in here somewhere. It's just marred by these ridiculous waggle controls. For Christ's sake Nintendo, allow developers to use the Classic Controller\Game Cube pad where appropriate. Heck, you can make money out of selling the extra peripherals. Just don't compromise gameplay to show off how innovative you are.

I never thought I'd say this, but come back Pro Evo. All is forgiven.

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